Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Being Son

So far he is a good human mom.
At places where our fellow beings needed a helping hand,
where humanity lost its faith,
he could do a bit.

So far he is a good man mom.
In a world where your gender is treated only as sex objects,
where respect is not a related word,
he stood a little different.

So far he is a good brother mom.
In situations where brotherly affection was demanded,
where his sister needed him for help,
he was always there to hold her hand.

So far he is a good son mom.
When fate showed its ugly face,
where you found it hard to fight against it,
he shielded you vigorously from its adversities.

He may not have made you proud in front of the world,
he may not have made you happy with too many successes,
he may not have done as much as many others around you have,
but he is and will be by your side to protect you,
as your dear son.

Her Story

every day she wakes up, 
she wants to believe that yesterday was a dream.
every breath she takes,
she gets nostalgic about a period far back in time.
every time she looks at the world,
she wishes that her close ones never let her down.
every time she asks herself these questions
she waits to hear an answer back...